Friday, May 13, 2011

Be Cinderella on your wedding day! - The Brides Guide to Shoes

Carmen, Shoes by Rachel Simpson

So there is the standing for hours, the walking down the aisle and back, the standing in the ceremony & for photographs, the stroll round to meet and greet guests, the dancing, on your wedding day your feet will really take a the strain on your wedding day.  

Foot pain from shoes and high heels is like hell on earth, feet swell the shoes get tight, they rub, pinch and give blisters.  Who wants to step out for their first dance limping?  or worse having spent good money on that perfect pair -  to find yourself barefoot on your big day! 
Mimi, Shoes by Rachel Simpson

I speak from experience ladies, losing the shoes  mid day, may be tempting but it means; a harder job for the dry cleaner as your dress now 3 inches longer drags like a mop round the floor, collecting confetti, food and spilt champagne or beer (YUK!);  You also end up with the filthiest blackest feet you have ever seen, which also means you better get praying, that no-one drops their glass, blood on your wedding gown or a trip to A&E is not how you want your day to end. Even if you only have black feet it's not very romantic for you first night; Who wants to start married life seeing your new wife moaning & rubbing filthy feet! Even if you only meant to release them from their prison for a minute, as you do try to slip those shoe's back on your feet seem to have swelled so much that they just won't fit and oh my the pain has suddenly intensified- it's like you've gone from Cinderella at the ball to being the ugly sister in seconds!  

So how do you avoid this scenario?

Lola - By Rachel Simpson Shoes
Here are my top tips:

1. When choosing you shoes, do so after you have been walking and shopping and wearing heeled shoes all day, your feet will then be in a 'realistic' state when you try shoes on.  If you slip them on and think - Wow, they are so comfortable then that's the Cinderella slipper feeling!

2. Invest in some gel cushions to fit under the balls of your feet, if your shoes don't have their own padding. It will really provide that much needed comfort when you need it most.

3. Wear those shoes in well before the big day! I know we'd rather keep them sacred in the box, but trust me you will regret it if you are not used to them! - See the Video's by the Bridal coach for some great tips, the link can be found below.

Isabella Shoes by Rachel Simpson
4. Choose a heel height that is realistic for you and your spouse.  If your partner is shorter than you or similar in height, opt for flats or kitten heels as, big height differences will be obvious in photographs. If the heel is close to that you normally wear, they will be more comfortable.
5. Whatever you choose, you need to be able to walk and dance in them, so get lots of practice. about the house or wherever. Buy another pair similar in height and wear them every where.  You need to feel confident as you glide down the aisle, keep you head up and  walk from heel to toe confidently in your dress.  Don't forget if your dress is long, you also have that to deal with so at least if you are great in you shoes, it won't unbalance you.

6.  Buy the best shoes you can afford.  The designer shoes often have extra comfort features such as padded soles, leather inners and will be much better for your feet.  I particularly love the shoes by Rachel Simpson who has such beautiful designs as seen in the pictures.  

7.  Shoes with straps or fastening will provide extra support and stop them flip flopping and causing blisters.

8. Some fabrics for shoes give more than others and some won't stretch and mould to your feet well, get measured and get the right size and the right fabric finish for you.

9. Match your style, just because white is traditional it doesn't mean you have to go with the flow, your shoes are likely to be coverd up so why not add your own personality to them.  I love bright coloured shoes and we love to add shoe clips to decorate them easily.
10. Love your shoes, whilst they must be functional and practical, with no love then there is no joy! Choose a pair you will really love, that will make you feel beautiful, stride out confidently and smile whenever you think about them.

Tweeter's Shoe Tips: I posted a shout out on Twitter for some tips from the stiletto pro's 

@allwrappedup "ALCOHOL"  - how could I have forgot this tip - I do know that it does suppress the pain, but don't really advise it for your wedding day!

Tip to stretch shoes: @ClaireDobinson "Fill freezer bags with water, put in the shoes and then put in freezer over night - perfect!" - it adds a good half size apparently


Links you must check out:

1 comment:

Bespoken For said...

I can't think of any more tips: what about you? Please add a comment