Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy Feet

On your wedding day your feet will take a lot of the strain, you've got to stand for hours on end, walk, and dance and well that's a major pain for most people, but on your wedding day what can you do to stay comfortable?

Here are some top tips:

1. when choosing your wedding shoes, try them on after you have been walking or shopping so your feet are feeling the strain, if the shoes hurt now, what will they be like on the big day?

2. Opt for a heel height that you are used to wearing and walking in.

3. Wedding shoes can be as stylish as you like, opt for colour and accessories if you like (see our shoe clip collection)

4. Buy some gel inserts to cushion the ball of your foot.

5. Wear your bridal shoes in well before the big day.  Check out the bridal coach videos for great tips on how to do this  how to choose the perfect high heel

visit the bridal coach's website

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